Passenger flow statistics of station airport bank traffic hub

In public places such as stations, airports and banks, through real-time passenger flow monitoring, historical passenger flow and the heat distribution of regional passenger flow, the overall analysis and prediction of the changes of passenger flow are carried out to achieve the "limited and wrong peak" control and ensure the smooth and orderly operation of public places. Improve the timeliness, scientificity and accuracy of tourism statistics and the experience of guests.

Passenger flow statistics of station airport bank traffic hub

With the popularization of big data and AI technology, passenger flow is more and more widely used in various industries, such as shopping centers, chain stores, airports, stations, scenic spots, parks, public transportation, museums, exhibition halls and other public places.

In scenic spots, parks, stations and other public places, through real-time passenger flow monitoring, historical passenger flow and regional passenger flow heat distribution, overall analysis and prediction of the changes of passenger flow, to achieve the "limited and staggered peak" control, to ensure the smooth and orderly operation of public places. Improve the timeliness, scientificity and accuracy of tourism statistics and the experience of guests.

Case Show

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