Smart toilet solutions

With the reform of public toilets, more and more cities are improving their living environment and city image through smart public toilets. Smart public toilets are widely used in tourist attractions, urban public toilets, shopping plazas, commercial buildings, service areas, hospitals, schools, government and other public places, and are well received by the general public.

Smart toilet solutions

Master drawing

With the reform of public toilets, more and more cities are improving their living environment and city image through smart public toilets. Smart public toilets are widely used in tourist attractions, urban public toilets, shopping plazas, commercial buildings, service areas, hospitals, schools, government and other public places, and are well received by the general public.
Intelligent public toilet is based on ordinary public toilet, adding a series of sensors and then through system processing, the environment and use of public toilet can be digitized, and can be visualized and interactive through PC terminal, mobile terminal and large screen.

Functions overview

An overview of smart toilet functions

System Architecture

Architecture of Smart toilet system

Product Introduction

Smart public toilet product introduction

Product distribution

Smart public toilet product layout

Cloud Platform

Cloud platform for smart public toilets

Case Show

Smart Public Toilet display 1 Smart Public Toilet Display 2 Smart Public Toilet display 3

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Wanfu official service public account